Critical Mass

Critical Mass

Strain Critical Mass

This strain is particularly noted for its THC content, which ranges impressively between 19% and 22%. Such potency makes Critical Mass a favourite among those seeking a strong and effective high.

In terms of appearance, aroma, and flavour, Critical Mass is a true delight. The buds exhibit a potent body-numbing buzz, often making users feel relaxed and sedated. Most users experience a mental clarity that can spur creativity and focus, albeit with a tendency towards lethargy. The Kush and Cola flavours are predominant, offering a rich and immersive smoking experience.

The effects of Critical Mass typically last around 2 to 2.5 hours, varying with dosage. The high THC content can lead to typical side effects such as dry mouth and eyes, and in higher quantities, it may induce paranoia and anxiety. However, many users find this strain to be thought-provoking and nearly psychedelic in nature.

It’s important to distinguish Critical Mass from its CBD variant, commonly found in markets where CBD strains are preferred. The CBD version of Critical Mass retains the original's bouquet and flavour but with significantly lower THC levels (around 2-4%) and high CBD content (15-25%). This variant is ideal for evening or night-time use, offering relief from insomnia, chronic aches, stress, anxiety, migraines, nausea, and anorexia.

Critical Mass is an appealing choice for novice growers due to its impressive yield, despite its susceptibility to moulds and need for structural support during growth. It thrives both indoors and outdoors, with reported yields of up to 6 pounds, making it an ideal cash-crop. The flowering period spans 6 to 8 weeks, and it responds well to the Sea of Green setup.

In summary, Critical Mass stands out as a heavyweight in the cannabis world. Its combination of high THC content, substantial yields, and therapeutic benefits make it a valuable strain for both recreational and medical users. Whether grown for personal use or as a commercial crop, Critical Mass promises a rewarding experience for growers and a potent, enjoyable high for consumers. Its versatility and effectiveness ensure its continued popularity in the diverse world of cannabis strains.


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